Monday, December 8, 2014

The world would be a better place if

PTSA, The world would be a better place if ..

My inspiration for this piece was the fertile environment of Ontario. This past year , I've transferred to a different school with a variety of different plants surrounding the area. The pollution was inspired by the trash surrounding the place where I live. There is often trash lining the streets and the parks are not as fertile as Ontario. My intent for this picture was to convey the message that is flowers polluted the world other than air and trash pollution would make the world a better place.

Creating this piece I utilized a floral arrangement on illustrator.The tutorial inspiration where i accquired found here found here. I used a variety of colors , that I believe would appeal to the younger generation such as light pink , magenta , yellow and turquoise. I arranged the flowers differently than the one provided on the tutorial by overlapping the flowers. The plant colors are influenced by the closer the air plane comes closer to them. The plane was an image can be found here and was edited on photoshop . The pollution of the plane was edited with the help of the stamp , spot healing and crop tool. Finally the background was created by the rectangles tool filled with a turquoise color.
Flower Polluted , Designed by Diana M , ©2014


  1. I like the use of colors in the flowers. I get what you are trying to say with the two different corners having different meanings. If I was to put my own input I would suggest to make the plane bigger to emphasis the difference between nature and man made products.

  2. Hey Diana,
    I love your use of flowers , looks amazing and the dust portion is on point!
    I notice how well you blended the dust with your photo, amazing job!
    I absolutely agree with your theme, Ontario needs some work.


Thank you for your feedback !