Friday, December 12, 2014

My Future Vision

 My future hopes, dreams and desires, designed by Diana M. ©2014
My future plans for my career is to become a chief marketing officer , found here. I have interest in majoring in business and studying internationally to achieve my goals. As seen within the picture provided, I enjoy management and helping others. At first I planned to become a pediatrician , however due to my past job I learned that paper work was what I loved to to.  My father inspired my goals as he showed me the basics of business and showed how fun it could be. I plan to study at the University of California Irive, uci page found here or California State University of Fullerton , link found here.  These universities have rigorous course which will help achieve my goal. My major varies from accounting , financing and management. I plan to take all these courses and possibly get a Bachelor of Arts (BA)or Bachelor of Sciene (BS).
 Once I finish studying the basis of business, I would like to continue to become a master of business. My belief is the more education and experience I have within the field , I will be more likely to become a chief marketing officer. Against the odds, if my plan does not follow , my backup plan is to become chief administrative officer or assistant regional officer.

Happiness is and an incredible variable and distinct for that individual who experiences it. It is acquired in infinite ways through the infinite motivations, aspirations, successes, failures, past-times etc. I would like to achieve true happiness once I finish my education and start working in my career job. After I find a suitable career , I would like to start my family and explore the world. I would include romance as another factor to true happiness , and would like a stable relationship throughout my university years. The gist of my happiness is to be surrounded by those whom I love and care about. As an eight year old girl I planned to become a teacher , have two children, a two story house and a fridge with endless amounts of food, that was the definition of happiness at the time. However ,growing up has helped me see true reality and the difficulties of achieving that. For the future , I don't believe I would care for a specific husband , house or the number of children I bear . 

When I'm old and grey , my hope is that I will be able to continue learning endlessly . Knowledge is an important factor to survival , and it would be beneficial to still be learning at an old age. For instance, technology will advance , and I would like to continue keeping up to date with probably the newest iPhone 1255684556656. As time passes so does our surroundings, from the environment to our knowledge. Space , time , temperature are some example of consistent transformation . I would enjoy to at least know if the sun is at the verge of our planet or if some one has created flying cars. 
My future is not apparent and will probably be as not as planned , moreover I will strive to continue for my dreams and fight the obstacles that approach.

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